The Lode
The Lode
The Lode is an area approximately 0.3 of an acre of public space, (which includes seating and waste bins). It was part of the Thetford Navigation System which went from Thetford to Wilton, near Hockwold. Historically, barges used to navigate the once open channel, to unload goods, (such as coal and grain), brought to Brandon via the fenland waterways, from places such as Kings Lynn. Now Brandon Town Council manages the majority of the site, but the western half of the water course is the responsibility of Aldi, who are situated adjacent to the site.
Over time, the channel has silted up which provides an excellent habitat for birds and invertebrates.
In the winter we spent time clearing our half of the water course, lifting branches and removing some of the fallen trees to allow in more light.
There are several species of bird that are often spotted here, most notably a Water rail, cattle egret and kingfisher. Small birds enjoy taking a bath in the shallow water.
The banks behind the fenced off water course are left to grow and flower. Plants such as lesser celandine, mallow, mullion, nettle, rosebay willow herb and speedwell can all be found here, providing nectar for many invertebrates.
We have had an unconfirmed sighting of weasel at the Lode, which is encouraging as it would suggest the area has a good myriad species to support these carnivorous mammals.
The eastern boundary is a hawthorn and rose hedgerow dotted with elder. It provides good habitat for nesting birds.
We will need to undertake wildlife surveys in the near future, to establish a species list which will enable us to manage the site to its full potential.